Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ice Tea Baby Jesus

I learned and witnessed a lot at the Lion's Club. I gathered some great experiences helping the teachers and staff out weekly. One day one of the teachers asked me to clean out her kids little cubbies. I had no problem with the task, so I willing walk over to the cubbies. As I'm cleaning I read the names of the kids. I came across the greatness name ever; Ice Tea. I thought to myself, this has to be a nick name. I walked up to the teacher and I asked her was it really was the kids name. She replied, "yeah, I get that a lot. His full name is Ice Tea Baby Jesus." I left that day amazed. Nobody can top that name.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Short Staffed

It was a crazy day at the Lion's Club today. The chef was out sick, and it sent everyone into panic. With no culinary skills, I wanted to slide out the back door if I was given the task to help in the kitchen.  I would have tried my best, but the staffed pulled together and accomplished preparing the lunch just in time.  I tried to contribute as much as possible, so I set the tables in two classrooms and wished dishes.    

Monday, February 6, 2012


I'm behind in my post, so I figured why not update it. Congratulation to all those little so-called Giants fans that were climbing on me as if I was the playground last Thursday. One of the little boys told me he was the quarterback for the Giants. I was outraged. I responded by telling him he wanted to play for the Packers. He would not accept my team as his. We went back and forward for five minutes yelling, "Giants... Packers... Giants... Packers!!!" Then other kids came running, and joining their classmate against me. I wonder who brainwashed these children into liking such a team.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Are You Our New Teacher?

I'm starting to feel like this is my calling in life.  These kids always put a smile on my face. I'd probably feel slightly different if I had to come here everyday, but  this is definitely an experience I will cherish.  I went into a classroom to help one of the teachers, and she wanted me to organize the books. I thought to myself, "this is a simple task." As I organized the books the children were in the middle of playtime. One kid came up to me and asked me if I was his new teacher. I asked him would he like me to be, and with huge smile on his face, he responded with a head nod. Me organizing books transformed into me reading books to this little guy.